Monday, 27 November 2017

Killing your inner demons - The Ninja Style

How often do you talk to yourself? Yes, I mean with yourself. If you do, you are not mentally deluded. Researchers have found that talking with yourself increases one's well-being. On that note, self-talk can not always be beneficial. While you may find that talking with yourself to boost your confidence or to take that first step immensely positive; but often times you will also be your own victim of denial, bullying and negativitism.

Ever thought about taking a new step into your career or starting a new business but the voice says you are not capable of handling the risk and will ultimately fail. What about when you looked at yourself in the mirror and the voice told you that you are ugly and you should go and hide.

You are your own biggest critique and the bitter truth is that we can be pretty harsh on ourself for not fulfiling whatever is the status quo. Being aware of one's emotions and feelings is the first step in fighting against your inner battle. Become a ninja and join me in this epic battle to fight against these demons. Let's leave no stones unturned until every battle is won. Here, I have listed the top 6 weapons to win this battle. Would love to hear from you if there are other epic weapons.

1) Meditating
Meditation is a very powerful technique to overcome your inner negative emotions and energies transform them into positive ones. Like peak-hours traffic with constant flow of cars, our minds are filled with constant flow of thoughts. Meditation helps you to calm your mind and focus only on positive energies. Practice atleast 15 minutes a day to enjoy the benefits of meditation. The ideal time would be in the morning right before you begin your day. So, how do I start? There are plenty of resources available in the internet that will teach you the basics of meditation. Take the first step. Go on push yourself.

Running is one form of exercise where you do not need any sort of special equipments and provides you plenty of benefits. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you are ready for the battle. Running has been proven to reduce risks of several diseases, eliminate depressions and stimulate your hormones that improve your mood and well-being. Find an open space and put on those shoes and run for atleast 15 minutes a day.

3) Maintaining good relationships
Remember humans are social animals. So what does this imply? This implies that we need a social foundation in our life to live a meaningful and fulfilled life. Our family and friends can always be the social and moral support and guide us in times of our epic battle. But be sure to surround yourself with only people that exhibit positive aura. Another harsh truth is that often times your parents or your siblings or your close friends are the negative building blocks in yout battle. This is not to say they are your enemies but their negative aura prevents you from reaching your mindful and fulfiled self. Reach out to your favorites once in a while and update about them and about yourself and enjoy the benefits of connecting.

4) Writing a journal
Writing journal entries is one way to keep your emotions in check. There are times when it is difficult to identify your emotions and you are confused. Writing your thoughts as it flows helps you to recognise your inner desires and conflicts. Buy yourself any school notebooks or a fancy diary and prepare your pen to jot down your daily experience.

5) Listen to motivational speeches/talks
This is one of my favorite go-to weaponry for my battle. Whenever I feel down or I feel in need of motivation, I go to youtube and find myself a good motivation talk video. I mostly listen to Gary Vaynerchuck and I feel pumped after listening for a few minutes. Another local personality that I listen to once in a while is Peng Joon. You can always research and find motivational content videos that suits you.

6) Loving yourself
If you are reading this article, this means that you care about yourself. Yay for that. None of the above will work if you do not love yourself because you will not be willing to put in the effort to improve.  Love yourself; embrace yourself. You deserve the best in the world; nothing more, nothing less. Rock it!

Cheers for another successful post.

Monday, 6 November 2017

How to know what's trending in social media?

This is my first infographic that I created and hopefully many more to come. I used piktochart to create this infographic and googled clip arts and logos that were used in this infographic.

Gratitude 20 : I am grateful that I have loving parents.


Thursday, 2 November 2017

The lunatic's paradise...

The lunatic is a day dreamer.
The lunatic is a wisher.
The lunatic is a procrastinator.
The lunatic is an avoider.
The lunatic is a dancer.

The RM 10 red clock atop the television ticks; warning that it is alive. It's 10.10pm. It's time to sleep.
Let's watch some tv before sleeping. Press,press that remote. Changing, changing channel.

Check time. It's 10.05 pm.

It is 10.05 pm!; time to wake up darling.

I am not confused, not as confused as you may think I am.

I forgot to mention. The lunatic is a deep thinker too. (smirk!)

I was born on 25th June,1993. Therefore, I will cease to exist on 25th June, 1993. I have exactly 24 years 130 days on this earth. I will return to where I came from.

Where did I come from? This atleast solves the chicken and the egg problem - What came first the chicken or the egg?

The only thing that is certain in life is your birth and your death.

What is uncertain remains uncertain whether the clock ticks forward or backward?

Should I be looking forward or backward for my life? What should I expect? Expect death.

The autumn becomes summer, summer becomes winter and my clothes get smaller and smaller.

My parents get younger and younger. How fortunate of me to witness this miracle? (Giggle!).

I have no longer butteflies for my crush. My awareness, my selfness is fading away.

My body is unable to fulfil my demands.

I am no longer me.

The lunatic's paradise is a paradise of appreciation, paradise of consciousness.

Cheers for another successful post!