Each wo/man is an island. I read that in some books by whom I don't remember.
Millions of people walk on this earth. 7 billion people and counting. We all have our own story, don't we? They make us, break us, free us, torture us, enlighten us, refresh us...
Since we are all different, these stories that form us are different too. I feel that when you combine each of these stories they give birth to the so called life.
Millions of people walk on this earth. 7 billion people and counting. We all have our own story, don't we? They make us, break us, free us, torture us, enlighten us, refresh us...
Since we are all different, these stories that form us are different too. I feel that when you combine each of these stories they give birth to the so called life.
It's always been fascinating for me to know the story of each person that I come across. Getting to know that story means stepping out of the comfort zone and actually starting a conversation. If you have read my personal history, you would easily identify me with 'INTROVERT', although I think I have changed quite substantially.
I would like to share one of my story today. Nothing big but definitely something meaningful.
I visited a very close friend of mine a few days ago in Malacca, a state in Malaysia. It's a 4 hour bus ride from where I live. The place where I live is a place completely remote and basically lifeless during weekends and holidays.
We wanted to go and watch a movie 'The last witch hunter'. We don't own a car neither do we drive. We were waiting at the bus stop for few minutes when a taxi pulled over and gesturing with his finger says 4. Well, taxis in Malacca are a bit very expensive and we are always weary of riding one cause it burns a big hole in our pocket. I told the taxi driver that we wanted to go to Dataran Pahlawan. He said that would cost Rm 6 each. If we took the bus it would cost Rm 4 each. So I told him that it's ok but my friend quickly interjected and said that was a good bargain considering the fact that we had to change the bus twice.
When I got on the taxi, the taxi driver quickly with his heavy breath told me that any people with a good common sense would jump at the opportunity. Considering that I didn't, I think it was meant to piss me off/ mock me. So I told him that I didn't have any common sense. At this, he went quite hot and uneasy. I felt like this was how one progresses into an argument in the grown up world.
I told him that I was new in the area. He said that it doesn't matter whether I was new or not and I should have known that it was a good logical decisions to accept his proposal.
At this moment I felt like this man is either engulfed with arrogance or is something more than just a taxi driver as he exhibited a great sense of self-pride. The latter proved to be true.
He went on about his journey into different countries and even went as far as to show his several used passports. I was like why is he going around carrying his passports. His showing us the passport was to prove that whatever he was talking wasn't a bluff.
He was a specialist, I do not exactly know what kind but he was a speicalist in oil and gas industry and is currently employed under Petronas, the only Malaysian company in the Fortune 500 companies. What I know is that people working in the oil fields make a lot of money so there is no need for one with a full time job in it to be driving a taxi.
He said driving taxi was just a gig he does during his weekends. Well, I know that the decline in oil prices has severely hit many oil and gas companies so could it be ...? Let's not judge, shall we? That's what I told myself.
He said driving taxi was just a gig he does during his weekends. Well, I know that the decline in oil prices has severely hit many oil and gas companies so could it be ...? Let's not judge, shall we? That's what I told myself.
Here I had this great opportunity to learn from this person in an industry that I am considering to be a part of after graduation. So I just couldn't let it slip. The rest of the time just flew as we exchanged back and forth. He gave me quick responses to all my inquiries.
I infact felt that he slowed his speed a bit.
I infact felt that he slowed his speed a bit.
Rough start but a smooth finish. When we reached the mall, he looked at me as if to really look at who this girl is that he has been talking for the past few minutes. He made some very grown up rumble about being safe and taking care of our belongings.
Although, this encounter may not seem much but it made me smile the whole day. I was glad to have come across him and I hope he did too. Hehe! (' u ')
I feel that I have definitely been able to overcome my shyness of having an actual conversations with someone I do not know.
I feel that I have so many people to meet and so many things to learn.
I hope he realizes that I was able to gain/receive these from our encounter.
Gratitude 12: I am grateful that I came across him and wish him health, fortune and happiness. Gracias' till we meet again.
Cheers for a very late and successful post!