Saturday, 29 August 2015

10**** ways to make world a better place!

I am facing quite a few problems lately and it's just too overwhelming for me. Someone like me hardly moans when I have problems. I feel like I am a bit emotionally down because of some people I thought were friends but instead turned out to be liars and backstabbers.

I was trying to find a way for myself to cheer up. When I am under emotional stress, I try to look for inspiring videos in YouTube, for instance, videos about kindness, humanity, courage, helping. Although, it may not help you solve your problems but I always find myself feeling better than I felt before.

I also try not to victimize myself. In that way, I won't play the blame game.

I can't advise people to cheer up and talk about all the goodness and happiness in the world when they are going through a rough time. I acknowledge that it takes time to heal and if you feel like crying or you need some time then just do it. However, it should be for only a limited period of time. Take those resting time to reflect and to find peace within yourself. It might take 30 minutes or 4 days or 1 month. Well, it works for me.

Although my topic is about making world a better place, I am not going to share with you any thing about it because you can find tons of those information if you just google it. But I want you to realize that the number 10****  doesn't always have to be 10. If you google about "Making world a better place" , the results will show "7 ways to make the world a better place or 10 ways...". There are not just 7 or 10 ways but millions of ways to help people and make this world a better place. 

Why do I need to make the world a better place? What do I get out of it? Why should I bother about people when I have problems myself? Why? Why? Why?

I believe in the interdependence concept by Dalai Lama. In his talks, he emphasizes on this a lot of times. He says we are all interconnected to each other therefore, any harm or good you do to others will always influence you.

I came across a book called "Five people you meet in heaven " by Mitch Albom and it has been one of my favorite books ever since. The book is centered around a character, Eddie who dies in an accident and finds himself in heaven. All his life time in earth, he had the why? how? when? what? events that had left him sober and unhappy. The heaven reveals his life one fold at a time through the people he met and did not meet in his lifetime.

After reading the book, I realized that we are all in fact deeply related. One of the people Eddie meets is a Blue Man. The man has his own share of sorrows and griefs. One day while driving his car, young Eddie bounces to the road to retrieve his ball. The blue man gets into an accident while trying to swerve his car to prevent hitting Eddie and as a result dies. Eddie never knew that a man had died while trying to save his life. 

Probably, we may have influenced someone's life, positively or negatively  but we are not aware of/about it.

I imagine a magical string being attached to each other and that a magical force determines who we meet in our life, how we come across friends, partners, boss, employees, mentors and how we evolve, live our life and finally rest in peace. My favorite quote from the book :-

" Each affects the other and the other affects the next and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one" - Five people you meet in heaven

 Another favorite quote of mine.

Gratitude 10: I feel grateful for all the meaningful friends, family, mentors and well wishers I have in my life.
Cheers! Have a good day!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Happiness is when...

...when unwashed spongebob loves my nail colour.

...when I see the word "Nepali" in a foreign land.

...when I dare myself to do something I am scared of.

...when I get first prize.


 ...when I get to study my favorite courses.

...when  my table is filled with lots of color.

...when I get to eat delicious food. 

...when I go through my scrapbooks. 

...when I fulfill my goals. 

...when I read. (It's Murakami's book, 1Q84)

...when I buy a book, cover it with a plastic protection sheet and write my name on the first page of the book. 

...when I eat pickled tea called "laphet" (it's a traditional snack dish from Myanmar)

What is happiness for you?? :)

Gratitude 8: I am grateful that I have a lot of things to be happy about.


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Graduate Scholarship for Nepali Students 2016

Since I am about to finish my undergraduate very soon, I am looking for some scholarship opportunity. I came across some and I would like to share three that I have come across.

First is the Chevenig Scholarship funded by Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK) and partner organizations. This scholarship covers your tuition fees, accommodation, books and some few other expenses. It also covers a monthly allowance. However, the scholarship is for a duration of only one year. So, basically, if your desired graduate programme is  for more than 1 year, you will have to pay for the extra period of study from your own pocket. This is where it got me to a lot of thinking.

If you are selected as one of the recipients, you can choose to study in any partner universities. This scholarship is not meant for only Nepali nationality. Students from other nationalities can also apply. Please check the list of eligible countries from their official website. 

One of the main requirement for this scholarship is that you are required to have some years of working experience if you wish to apply for the scholarship.

This is just a snapshot. You can get extra information by following the link

Second is the Mingma Norbu Sherpa Memorial Scholarship 2016-2017 offered by Lincoln University, New Zealand (and supported by WWF, Greater Himalayas Foundation USA and Outward Bound New Zealand). The scholarship is for students who wish to pursue their Masters  in the fields of natural resource management, tourism and the environment. The deadline  for applications is 31 August, 2015.

If you wish to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Third is from University of Oregon who are offering  full tuition scholarship for students from Nepal as a part of its global engagement to help rebuild Nepal  after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake.

The scholarship is for both graduate or undergraduate student, in a field of study that the university believes will contribute to the reconstruction needs of Nepal.

Gratitude no. 7: I am grateful that I was able to get a scholarship for my studies.


Friday, 7 August 2015

Net+working: How for students!

Well, I guess many of those, mostly in their final year undergraduates or fresh graduates like me must have read or been advised how networking can help you secure a place in the company that you really long for. 

When someone advised me about it, I was like, I know what networking is and how important it is but how do we do it? I am not really that outgoing and extroverted so for people like me it really sounds like a huge challenge like the Amazing Race that I used to watch in AxN. 

We can find a lot of do's and dont's about networking in the internet but the problem is they are rarely written in perspective of students like me. This post may not be relevant for those who are already skillful in this area but many people who identify themselves as introverts and ambiverts have hard time when it comes to socializing.

The same person who advised first to me about networking shared with me some pretty confidence boosting message. She said that most of us who are afraid to go out and approach people have this inferiority complex, that is we feel that the person who we are approaching to are not normal humans but super humans with extraordinary capabilities and power. So she then said how about viewing the other person as someone like you and me, experienced the same things and gone through the same journey.

This has definitely helped me a lot and I am a lot more confident now when I approach people.

I have been trying to join a lot of events outside campus since you can't be expecting people to come to you and ask about you and be like "I really like you and I want you to work for me". We have to create opportunity so that we can meet a lot of people that can open the right doors for us.

 I recently went for a career fair in Kuala Lumpur. I talked to a lot of staffs who were representing their companies and I did pass around a lot of CV's. Although, I didn't hear from any of the companies but I think it was a good investment because it helped me not to be afraid to ask, to talk to people. I feel like I am growing. That's yahoo for me. I love myself for that matter.

Well, we are students and we are always on a tight budget so spending on things such as networking events, books, conferences may not sound fun or right. I like to take it as a long term investment and therefore, like any long-term investments, the returns may not be quick but they are always high that other investments.

So, don't be stingy to spend what's good for you or even if you don't have any money to spend , borrow from your parents, friends or well-wishers but make sure to pay them back.

Gratitude no. 6: I am grateful that I have a smartphone and a laptop and most of all 24 hr connection to wifi.


How to not be hard on yourself?

Life is very competitive. If you want to move one step ahead, you will definitely experience 1000 blows before you do. It's not that I have achieved something so significant that I can talk about it. I haven't even tried to do that, probably I never will if I continue with this attitude because like so many of you I am scared, scared of failure. And I have always been hard on myself because of this very matter.

Well, I am currently volunteering as a mentor for a reading programme where we teach primary school children how to read in English. I use various teaching methods so that I can not only help them in just reading but also speaking as in day-day conversation and writing. I noticed many of my kids were afraid of making mistakes and to fail and therefore, would often get stuck.They are embarrassed when I point out mistakes. So, I encourage them that it's ok to make mistake.

I think when you don't want to make mistake, don't want to fail, you become hard on your self and instead commit a major crime which is you prevent yourself from learning. We are what we are and nobody is perfect and that shouldn't stop us from truly achieving our true self.

We won't find many models who would encourage us to take that leap and say it's ok if we mistakes or fail. So that leaves it upto us to regularly remind as well as encourage ourselves to take that leap without being afraid and self-talk that it will all be ok and it will be a good learning experience. If you don't do it for your self then who will?

So dear readers, please do not be afraid to make mistakes and fail and most of all do not be hard on yourself.

Credit:- Anna Vital,

Gratitude no. 5: I am grateful that I have a place that I can call home.
